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Christmas air freshener for businesses

Christmas air freshener for businesses – the perfect way to create a magical holiday atmosphere.

Few things affect the senses and create an atmosphere better than scent, which is why Christmas air fresheners are a real hit among holiday promotional gadgets. Discover the power of scents and learn why they have such a strong impact on people.

Air fresheners for businesses – how scents evoke memories.

Why are custom-printed holiday air fresheners such a great idea for corporate Christmas gifts? Before we answer that question, let’s find out how scents affect humans. Scientists have long wondered about the neurological mechanism that allows us to recall entire events from the past simply through smell. Why is it that the scent of gingerbread or holiday spices is enough to bring back touching Christmas moments from childhood? It turns out that the olfactory centers in the brain, much more than those associated with other senses, play an active role in reconstructing memories. Therefore, memories from the past can be revived solely by invoking one of the olfactory sensations. Interestingly, olfactory memory is extremely enduring, and we can retain scent-related memories for years, often for a lifetime.

Air diffuser with the company logo – science in the service of advertising

Thanks to this incredibly strong connection between scent and memories, with properly selected blends of aromas, we can influence mood and shape the atmosphere. In the presence of pleasant scents, we feel better, work more efficiently, make purchasing decisions easier, but also feel greater loyalty. You can read more about how to use scent in advertising on our blog in the article “Scent Diffusers – Discreet Sensory Advertising for Business

That’s exactly why holiday air fresheners – promotional gifts for clients – work so well and why it’s worth using them as advertising gadgets during the pre-Christmas period.

Corporate air freshener by Capira – get to know our unique product!

At Capira, we place special emphasis on three things – excellent quality craftsmanship, originality, and 100% personalization. All of these values ​​are represented by our Christmas air fresheners. Our high-quality air fresheners come with a glass container of oil and five wooden sticks. Each set is packaged in an aesthetic cardboard box, which will be entirely covered with your company’s prints. An additional Christmas bonus is that the box can be decorated with gilding, glitter, and selective varnish – according to the needs of the clients. We have also prepared a set of Christmas graphics that you can use as you wish.

What sets our air freshener apart from other manufacturers is the set of five felt tips for the sticks, which you can shape in any way you like, for example, related to the holidays. These tips soak up the oil, making the aroma even more intense, and the option to choose the color and shape ensures an interesting look for the gadget.

Christmas air fresheners – unique scents and elegance

Taking into account the high quality of craftsmanship, materials used, longevity of scents, and the type of gadget itself, our Christmas air fresheners with printing will make perfect gifts for your top clients. With the holidays in mind, we have prepared five specially crafted scents that evoke a cozy Christmas atmosphere.

  • NO1 MULLED WINE – mulled wine
  • NO2 GINGER & ORANGE CHOCOLATE – ginger orange chocolate
  • NO3 GINGERBREAD COOKIES – gingerbread cookies
  • NO4 WARM CHRISTMAS SPIRIT – warm Christmas atmosphere
  • NO5 CHRISTMAS SPICES – Christmas spices

If you want to learn more about our air fresheners for businesses, take a look here.

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