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Advertising packaging
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Advertising packaging is a vast marketing topic! Both large international corporations and solo handmade brands use branded packaging.

Having your own printed packaging adds prestige to the product sold in it, and – more importantly – clearly informs who its producer is. Custom printed packaging also makes the company appear more professional and reliable, and its products of higher quality.
Besides its protective function, advertising packaging also fulfills informational and promotional roles and complements all elements of the brand’s marketing. As consumer research shows, packaging is an added value for the customer, and thanks to its attractive form, it turns the purchased goods into a gift for the customer, giving them a sense of exclusivity.

Company-branded packaging – what products we offer at Capira

Corporate packaging, as one of the most important segments of the promotional products market, includes hundreds of types of bags, boxes, or cartons. What are their types and how are they most commonly used?
Advertising packaging – boxes – is a very common way of elegantly packing products as a gift suitable for almost any industry. The gift boxes available at our company are made of hard cover with a flap and have the option to place an additional insert inside to keep the product in place. They also feature a discreetly closing magnet, and the type and placement of your advertising message on them are unlimited.
Promotional packaging pop-up box – is another type of aesthetically pleasing packaging box with a hard cover, which has the advantage of not only being fully customizable but also allowing for convenient and inexpensive transport. Our pop-up boxes fold flat, making them take up significantly less space than ready-made hard cardboard boxes.

Hard cover gift box type packaging – elegant and durable gift packaging in any size.

Advertising packaging made of cardboard – these are classic cartons in which we can pack individual products, such as tissues, protective gloves, laryngoscope spatulas, or any other product related to your brand. Advertising packaging in the form of a carton can take practically any shape today – our offer includes simple boxes in the form of cubes and other parallelepipeds, pyramid boxes, but also boxes in individual shapes. With this option, we will give your logo a third dimension, meaning we will create a box in the shape of your company logo or an item related to your brand.

Advertising packaging in individual shapes

Company-branded packaging – the best way to promote your brand!

Regardless of the type of packaging you choose, we can print your corporate graphics on its entire surface. This gives you practically unlimited possibilities to create a unique promotional gadget that will promote your brand on the one hand, and delight with an original, aesthetic form on the other.

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